Building on the success of the inaugural event, Creative Tech New York returns in 2025.
As enterprises continue to face the challenge of delivering consistent, relevant, and personalized experiences, a defining dynamism in the roles of creatives and technologists is of crucial importance. It’s required at every touchpoint - including all the emerging new channels of engagement.
There is a need for both better technology and more effective use of technology.
This event:
Creative Tech New York brings together creatives, creative technologists, production teams, technology suppliers and vendors in a unique setting that ensures the exchange of knowledge and valuable experience.
- What creative teams want and need today.
- What they don’t want.
- What they will want in the future.
- What technology suppliers can provide now. What’s coming next.
- Creative content automation.
- Creative engineering.
- Applying current technology capabilities to ensure the best outcomes.
- Exploration of innovative technologies, tools, forms of interactive media, entertainment, and art that empowers creators to express themselves in new ways, and to create new experiences.
- How these innovative technologies and immersive experiences are revolutionizing content production.
- How to center human creativity, technology and artistry while still driving the application of technology forward.
- How to future-proof choices of technology.
- The application of AI - now and in the future.
With real-world case studies presented by creative leaders facing current challenges and exploring new opportunities.
An essential one-day briefing for creative production leaders, technologists, and decision-makers in brands, agencies and related activities.
At Creative Tech New York 2025
- Insights from leading experts in the creative and technology sectors.
- Latest trends, tools and strategies that streamline creative processes.
- Firsthand experience of the latest technologies transforming the creative industry.
- Professionals: thought leaders, and innovators.
- Expand your network and open doors to new opportunities.
- Knowledge and skills essential to thrive in this rapidly evolving industry.
- The future of design, video, audio, creative production and content automation.
- Real-world case studies that illustrate how the latest technology is meeting challenges in the creative sector.
An opportunity not to be missed.
Register now for Creative Tech New York. Be part of the future.
Co-located with DAM New York - an opportunity to explore new technologies at the DAM New York exhibition and to network with leaders in digital asset management.